A brainchild of Rik van Iersel and Stuurbaard Bakkebaard. A unique composition of musicians from very different backgrounds who come together for a short period. The music swings between free jazz, broken beats, rock, spoken word, trash blues and pop. At times a twenty-strong orchestra produces an overwhelming musical collage with lots of room for improvisation and dynamics.
Johnny Dowd, Def P, André Manuel, Bart Maris, Woody Veneman, Paul van Hulten, Joshua van Iersel, Marc Constandse, Siem Nozza, Arjen Amin, Theo van Rock, Richard Nobels, Dead Elvis, Solex, DJ DNA, Gary Lucas, Jean Marie Aerts, Truus de Groot, G.W. Sok, Aura Grace Msimang Berton, Younes Riad, Edward Capel, Crappy Dog, Ted Milton, Hakon Gebhardt, René van Barneveld, Patrick Votrian and more.